I have an amazing life. I honestly do. It’s not perfect but It has a good combination of security and adventure. Last year I travelled to 12 brand new countries and this year I have been on an epic trip across Turkey. That’s not including the many places that I’ve visited in Russia. Just this year I have gazed at the Northern lights in -27 degrees and sunbathed next to the black sea. I have a nice apartment in Russia, many friends and a jam packed work and social schedule.

It has been pretty epic!

But I have been spoilt. Not many people have the opportunity to travel for 10 months straight. Not many people have the chance to experience cultures so deeply and live as a local. I love fast travel but my heart craves slow, languorous travel. Travelling where the first day is spent wandering slowly around the neighbourhood, not breathlessly taking in the top tourists spots. (I like doing that too but with some relaxing in between).

So, how did the travel bug bite me again?

Off work sick and lazing around. I had already watched the most up to date episode of the Handmaids tale and thought I would try out YouTube again. I found some travel bloggers called Kate and Nate. I usually avoid watching anything by travel couples. It’s usually sickly sweet and narcissistic self indulgence. However I was pleasantly surprised by their upbeat nature and the way they fully embraced being in the destinations.

So I went down  a veritable black hole of YouTube videos…

I watched the video where they arrived in Tokyo for the start of their trip, The video where they were traversing across Russia on the Trans-Siberian and the video where they were trying local food in Myanmar.

That’s the video that got me.

My mind lurched back and memories flooded back of being in a totally different culture for the first time. I grabbed onto the nearest pillow and cried deeply, my tears seemingly flowing from nowhere. My heart ached and it took all of my strength not to book on to the next flight to Myanmar.

At the Grand palace

Most people can’t empathise with this weird, deep, primitive need to travel. Most people are happy with a 2 week holiday in Spain.

I’m definitely not most people.

And I’ll tell you the truth, part of me is jealous of people that don’t feel this urge to travel. People who can settle down and be content. I try my best but I just can’t.


I guess some of us are just wanderers. Interested in learning about the world and discovering things about themselves along the way.

I can’t settle. I’ve tried, but I just can’t. Travel isn’t an easy lifestyle. Solo travel can be incredibly lonely and depressing at times. That feeling of trying a new food, understanding a new custom is just out of this world though. Meeting people you’d never meet in a lifetime, Archbishops, National Geographic photographers, Ambassadors, 18 year old adventurers…

So I guess I’ll just keep wandering along. Hopefully I’ll find someone who wants to wander with me. And we can settle down in our own unique way.

One eye on the ground, and one eye to the sky.

Looking triumphant before Fuji

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