I devour the words of other travel blogs. I love seeing what made people just like me take a permanent or temporary break from the treadmill of’ real life’ in exchange for a life of adventure and the unknown. There’s one similarity between all of these bloggers. They have always wanted to travel. My…
I had the privilege of attending a Feria (Fiesta) in Linares, Andalucia. The Feria has been held every year for over 300 years. Even more of a privilege was to share this experience with my Spanish friends who actually lived in Linares where the feria was held! There’s nothing better than travelling with locals! I…
On the last night in Candeleda we had a disco. I looked around at all of the people in the room and thought about how close we had all became during that past week and how upset I would be if I never saw them again. Giselle then came up to me and asked how…