I have had so much news over the past 48 hours that will affect my travel plans significantly.

Then I looked at the cover of my new issue of Wanderlust magazine. I saw that it featured articles about solo travel, the Great Barrier Reef and Darjeeling. Three things that relate to me because of my plans to travel to Sri Lanka and Oz, on my own!

I feel like something is pushing me to travel far, and soon. There have been too many occurances this weekend that all push me to travel.

Is this coincidence or fate trying to give me inspiration for the final push. To book my plane tickets and make my way in to the unknown?

I also emailed a podiatrist who works at Singapore General Hospital about what podiatry is like in Singapore. It turns out that he was the same man who interviewed me for a job in London that I applied for soon after graduation. He actually remembered me by name and said that I was just pipped at the post on the day so I must have made quite an impact.

Coincidence or fate…..


What do YOU think?

4 thoughts on “Coincidence or fate…

  1. If you have the chance to go to Singapore absolutely take it! I spent a year and a half there, didn’t expect to like it but ended up loving it — met my fiance there and traveled all around southeast Asia quite easily thanks to all the budget airlines and public holidays in Singapore.

    1. I am going to Singapore straight after Sri Lanka!I won’t get my hopes up about meeting a fiance there though! I won’t be spending too long there because it’s supposed to be quite expensive compared to the rest of South East Asia. I can’t wait to visit Singapore zoo especially! Do you have any tips about what to do whilst i’m in Singapore?

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